Qua’Detruis & Timothy J. – Atlanta, GA
Qua’Detrius States: How to summarize this experience in one word that you could gain in this course? If I had to use one word, it would be “Opportunity”! I truly feel like I have been taught how to fish other than just handed a prepared meal. These skills are vital to truly understand the process of being a freight broker and operate my business with a critical mind.
Timothy States: The training was very informative. I really like the fact that you made it fun and exciting and broke it down in the smallest terms. Thank you so much for all of your help and I will be contacting you to let you know when I get my first account. Thank You.
Instructor Maria States: You both are so welcome. I really enjoy teaching both of you, it was fun! Teaching those who are so awake and learn so fast! Stay your happy selves!