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Questions & Answers


QHow many years of business experience does your instructor have?

A:  Over forty-four years of business knowledge to share with you.  Our instructor Mrs. Suzettis started her first company at the age of eighteen.  Then around twenty-eight years old started working for a brokerage / trucking company called Mesa.  Within this company she started to learn about dispatching, brokering freight, and some trucking.  Keeping her ears and eyes open in taking in as much information about brokering and dispatching loads.  Asking lots of questions (And note at that time, there was no such thing as an agent.  There were only freight brokers then).  When she discovered that she could be an agent for a freight brokerage company, she jumped at the chance (especially after seeing what the freight broker was financially making).  Maria started to learn how to locate shippers, to find the carriers, and how to use the load boards, in order to make a profit. 

Individuals started to ask if Instructor Maria would help them learn what she knew about this industry.  So hence this is how the Freight Broker Agent School was all started.  Maria states "I have had the opportunity of meeting and training so many wonderful individuals and have truly enjoy sharing what knowledge I have with them".  Every individual who has inquired about our class we tell them that this is a beginner's Freight Broker Agent Class.  I explain the difference between a Freight Broker and a Broker Agent.  So that you can make the best choice for yourself once you have completed our class.  If a student wishes to go into becoming a Freight Broker, we do offer filing your documents for a fee. 


To each and every student who has attended our class or will attend our class we state, "What you put into this, is what you get out of it" and is "Not an over-the-night-rich-quick-scheme".  You will have to put time and effort into this like any other new business start-up.  You will need to build up your shipper's accounts by contacting them direct or by phone and to build up your carrier database overtime.  And if wish to become a full Freight Broker you will need to learn the laws, and regulations by going to the F.M.C.S.A. website.

Note: You will need to understand the basics of accounting, and to keep all documentation per load together.  We will share a list of Shippers and Carriers to help you get started, but not that it is still up to you to call the Shippers (talk them into working with you) to build your new business.  You must do be able to talk to Shippers, Carriers, Dispatchers, and not to be scared to do so.  This is your beginning opportunity of understanding how this industry works overall.  That you will have to put time and effort in order to start your new business and realize to keep soaking up as much knowledge about this industry as possible.  The more you learn and understand the more money you will make.  We will be sharing information from our many years of knowledge with you. 

QWhere and how do you train?

A:  You have two options: 

1).  Go to our Calendar and pick from the scheduled dates available and share a class with up to 4 individuals in the class. 

Class Course Fee:  $995.oo  (each addition person - Add $595.oo)

- or -

2). Call us to reserve a Private Class.  Pick the dates and times that you have available, we will verify what dates and times we have available to reserve.  Private Course Fee: $1500.oo  - Click Here for more details.


With either choice you are learn from the comfort of your home - or - office using fast internet, a computer, a microphone and a webcam. We use "GoToMeeting" for our "Live Online - Internet Course" with the instructor. 

Direct Cell Phone:  678-343-0088.  Please leave a message if we are in class!


Q:  Am I allowed to video tape and/or record and/or copy any or part of the class/course in any shape or form including GoToMeeting and/or Zoom and/or any other form of online class?

A:  NO.  Due to copyrights. 

The course does include "FREE" training materials "PDF Documents" to be printed out for class sent to you via-emailed. 

QDo I have to Pay at the time of reserving my dates?

A:  YES.  In order to reserve your dates you must make the full payment.

Calendar Dates Available: $995.00  (for each additional person - Add $595.oo

- or -
Private Reserved Dates:  $1,500.oo

Q:  Do you offer a One-On-One Course?

A:   Yes.  The class is a One-On-One Class with just you and the instructor via internet using


Q:  How do I reach you?

A:  Direct Cell: 678-343-0088



If your phone number comes up with there's no name - note we may not.  This is due to spam callers. 

So... Please make sure to leave a message and phone number.  We are either in class or on the phone with a former student.

QWhat are some of the things you go over in class?

A:  We go over how to broker loads across United States.  This course will explain the basics of how to fill out your paperwork, use the load boards, locating Shippers (who have the freight/loads to be delivered and locating the Carriers to haul the load that needs to be delivered.  This is where you will make your profit.  This course is for those who want to get the understanding of how this industry works.  We do not go into the laws and regulations or major accounting... for we are not an attorney.  But, we will give you the information and show you basic accounting to keep track of your loads.  

QIs there guaranteed placement if I decide to become an Agent first after I complete this course?

A:  No, but we do supply a list of several Brokers looking for Agents.  And note that we do get calls from Freight Brokers looking for Agents (we add them to the list of Freight Brokers in our "Student's Password Protected Area - that you will receive at the end of the course).  We will also go over with you some of the questions you should ask before signing on with a Freight Broker.    

QHow soon can I make money?

A:  Depends on how fast you set up accounts with the shippers that are willing to work with you.  It boils down to how many loads you move and the profit from each one.  We have stated with each and every student that takes this class that this is "Not-an-over-night-get-rich-scheme".  It takes time to build any new business.  We have had students that landed Shipper's accounts right away, and some that have taken months to get started.  Do you call the right person, at the right time, what's your personal like, do you click with the other person on the phone.  There are different variables of landing an account with Shippers.  You cannot be scared to talk to everyone.  You must be able to communicate with the Shippers, Freight and Traffic Managers, Carriers/Truckers, Dispatcher, etc. and be willing to learn a new career over time.  We recommend that each individual starts off as an Agent working under a Freight Broker so that gives you time to learn this industry and to learn the ins and outs of this business before taking the next step of becoming a Freight Broker.

Q:  What are my Payment Options?  

A:   PayPal, Credit or Debit Card.   We also can email you an invoice.  Call for other options.

Q:  Are there any Refunds or Chargeback allowed once we have paid?

A:  No.  All Student understands and agrees once a payment is made there is "No Refunds or Chargebacks" using a credit or debit card, and/or PayPal or call for other forms of payment.  But if something comes up, and you cannot make it, we will allow you to move your reservation one time only with a week notice only in writing or email notice.  Other than that, "All Sales Are Final".  We disclose that our site may or may not decide to be an affiliated marketer with links to online retailer on or off this website.  Disclosure/Disclaimer.

QWhat's the difference between a "Freight Broker" and an "Agent"?  

A:  BROKER:  is a company that assumes all general legal requirements to operate as a freight broker. 

They must have a Broker Authority MC# /DOT# which is registered with the F.M.C.S.A., a $75,000 "Bond or Trust" (the Bond goes by your personal credit and no fee to run your credit), a Process Agent / BOC3, UCR Registration and a Broker Pin#.   You will also need any State or local licensing and insurance for your business. 


The Freight Broker verifies the Shippers / 3rd Party's Credit and also verifies the Carrier Company licensing and insurance.  Any errors by the Freight Broker are 100% legally responsible. The Freight Broker is also responsible for the accounts payable's, receivables, and collection.  The Freight Brokers keep 100% of earned income of the load that was moved between the Shipper and the Carrier.  


ONE EXAMPLE:  Shipper pays $5000 for a load.  You find a Carrier to haul the load for $4500.  There is a $500 profit.  This profit is all yours.

B:  AGENT:  is an independent contractor who works for a brokerage firm (from your home or office).  Does not carry the freight broker authority, BOC3, UCR, Bond and/or Trust.  Agent only makes a percentage and/or dollar amount per load moved.  Anywhere usually from 50% to 75% of the earned income.

ONE EXAMPLE:  Shipper pays $5000 for a load.  You find a Carrier to haul the load for $4500.  There is a $500 profit.  Let us say the broker pays you 50% you would only earn $250 of the load that was moved.  If you had received 60% you would have earned $300


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